Full Staff Listing
Tania Abbas
Supervisory Attorney
Erica Adams
Senior Paralegal
Kulsum Ameji
Senior Staff Attorney
Dominic Armstrong
IT Service Desk Analyst
Sammy Assil
Sherice Austin
Marisol Avila
Social Worker
Dolores Ayala
Supervisory Attorney
Agnes Baik
Supervisory Attorney
Mariana Bayona Paez
Lindsey Beideman
Case Management System Administrator
Benjamin Bennett
Senior Staff Attorney
Hannah Berkowitz
Senior Staff Attorney
Hannah Bernard
Senior Social Worker
Joshua Bernstein
Staff Attorney
Ashley Berta
Senior Paralegal
Barbara Bertini
Associate Director of Pro Bono & Community Partnerships
Elliot Besmann
Letisha Braddock
Senior Accountant
James Brady
Supervisory Attorney
Nico Bringardner
Staff Attorney
Dennericka Brooks
Managing Director
Alex Bruns-Smith
Staff Attorney
Molly Bryant
Supervisory Attorney
Katie Busch
Nicole Capretta
Senior Staff Attorney
Clara Carlson
Dalton Carter
Mara Casado Rodriguez
Senior Social Worker
Ashley Castillo
Senior Paralegal
Marie Chamberlain
Jeanette Chico
Senior Paralegal
Eduardo Cisneros
Senior Staff Attorney
Ines Clemmer
Senior Paralegal
Colleen Connolly
Senior Attorney
Mariana Contreras
Suzanne Courtheoux
Director Long-Term Care Practice Group
Anna Craver
Benna Crawford
Managing Director
Jordan Crider
Staff Attorney
Hugh Daly
Director of Public Benefits Practice Group
Denise Davis
Senior Crime Victim Advocate
James Deere
Salomon De Los Angeles Blas
Supervisory Attorney
Maya Demianczuk
Staff Attorney
Mary Ellen Diaz
Office Manager
Allison Dudley
Law Graduate, License Pending
Soyini Duff
Senior Accountant
Keegan Dyer
Staff Attorney
Alexa Edwards
External Relations Officer
Mona Elgindy
Supervisory Attorney
Lauren Ellbogen
Staff Attorney
Meganne Enright
Intake Attorney
Clara Epstein
Matthew Escalante
Skadden Fellowship Attorney
Carolyn Faller
Senior Paralegal
Kaaren Fehsenfeld
Senior Staff Attorney
Shelia Fernandez
Ombudsman Paralegal
Mischa Fleishman
Director of Foundation & Government Grants
Conrad Foreman
Staff Attorney
Mick Foster
Ana Franco
Intake Specialist
Ashley Fretthold
Associate Director, Children & Families
Natalie Fulk
Staff Attorney
Nykia Fuller
Ombudsman Paralegal
Alyssa Funk
Sarah Gargaro
Staff Attorney
Noah Glaser
Grants Financial Manager
Hannah Gonzalez
Ernie Gordon
Staff Attorney
Ramona Green
Senior Intake Specialist
Monica Grubbs
Intake Attorney
Marisol Guadarrama
Intake Specialist
Araceli Guasso
External Relations Officer
Talissa Guerrero
Ombudsman Paralegal
M.R. Halloran
Technology Trainer and Service Desk Manager
Joey Handel
Tom Haracz
Thomas L. Shaffer Fellowship Attorney
Will Harris
Supervisory Attorney
Helen Harnett
Supervisory Attorney
Danielle Harris
Staff Attorney
Olivia Harrison
Staff Attorney
Alexander Hartz
Senior Staff Attorney
David Heinze
Staff Attorney
Mariah Herfi
Staff Attorney
Luceli Hernandez Mena
Senior Paralegal
Regina Hernandez
Supervisory Attorney
Vivian Hessel
Chief Information Officer
Rita Hirami
Equal Justice Works Fellowship Attorney
Kathryn Huber Kenyon
Supervisory Attorney
April Ikengah
Intake Specialist
Caroline Jarcho
Staff Attorney
Natasha Jarrett
Pro Bono Project Manager
Collin Johnson
Staff Attorney, IL License Pending
Gabriela Jovanoski
Senior Paralegal
Jessica Kalmewicki
Associate Director, Housing
Annie Keller
Staff Attorney
Adam Kennaugh
Senior Office Assistant
Mark Kennedy
Chief Financial Officer
Aziza Khatoon
Senior Staff Attorney
Sarah Kirk
Neal Kitterlin
Supervisory Attorney
Lilah Kleban
Equal Justice America Fellowship Attorney
Hannah Knoll
Law Graduate - License Pending
Derek Koshinski
Senior Paralegal
Allison Kotarba
Supervisory Attorney
Lori Kraft
Ombudsman Paralegal
Marilyn Laureano
Office Assistant
Courtney Lee
Staff Attorney
Julia Linares
Equal Justice Works Fellowship Attorney
Daniel Lindsey
Director of Litigation
Jenae Longenecker
Staff Attorney
Sylvia Lozano-Haas
Intake Specialist
Chris Lugo
Denise Macon
Ombudsman Paralegal
Yolanda Madrigal
Ombudsman Paralegal
Anna Maitland
Supervisory Attorney
Elizabeth Makuch
Ainat Margalit
Director of Consumer Practice Group
Junellie Marin
Staff Attorney
McKenzie Marks
Director of Human Resources
Emerson Marsiglia
Senior Paralegal
Gwynne Kizer Mashon
Associate Director, Public Benefits
Desiree Mathews
Ombudsman Paralegal
Matt Maxson
Equal Justice Works Fellowship Attorney
Marc McIntosh
IT Operations Manager
Emma McMullen
Supervisory Attorney
Armando Medina
System Administrator
Jessie Meltzer
Staff Attorney
David Mendieta
Jennifer Miller
Chief External Relations Officer
Joseph Miller
Supervisory Attorney
Nellie Mitchell
Staff Attorney
Sarah Morales
Grants Project Manager
Mallory Morgan
Supervisory Attorney
Isabel Muench
Staff Attorney, IL License Pending
Mary Mulcrone
Supervisory Attorney
Amina Najib
Associate Director, Immigrants & Workers' Rights
Kristina Navarro
Human Resources Coordinator
Naeem Nulwala
Supervisory Attorney
Beverly Nunnally
Senior Ombudsman Paralegal
Maggie O'Connor
Senior Staff Attorney
Amanda Palacios
Intake Specialist
Lisa Palumbo
Director of Immigrants & Workers' Rights Practice Group
Julie Pautsch
Supervisory Attorney
Jenelle Pedroza
Director of Client Support Services
Marco Penaloza Macha
Senior Paralegal
Sydney Penny
Staff Attorney
Iffat Perveen
Kelsey Phalen
Steve Phillips
Director of Information Technology
Melissa Picciola
Director of Pro Bono & Community Partnerships
Irakere Picon
Staff Attorney
Cloe Pippin
Staff Attorney
Sarah Pitre
Staff Attorney
Jack Powers
Staff Attorney
Jonathan Pulsipher
Vanessa Quiroz
Katie Ragsdale
Grants Project Manager
Samuel Reese
Supervisory Attorney
Ana Reynoso
Senior Intake Specialist
Ryan Richards
External Relations Officer
Eduardo Rivera
Ella Robinson
Lillian Rocha
Ombudsman Intake Specialist
Gabriela Rodriguez
Office Assistant
Justine Rodriguez
Senior Paralegal
Laura Rodgers
Supervisory Attorney
Lorraine Ross
Office Assistant
Phoebe Rudnick
Jonathan Russell
Associate Director of External Relations
Cynthia Sadkin
Chief Strategy Officer
Kiana Salazar
Virginia Sandoval
Operations Manager
Darriane Sarabia
Intake Specialist
Steven Scheuer
Supervisory Attorney
Aarushi Sen
Renee Sevilla
Staff Attorney
Katherine Shank
CEO/Executive Director
Amelija Siliunas
Senior Staff Attorney
Jose Soto
Senior Paralegal
Melissa Staas
Associate Director, Children & Families
Evan Stahr
Supervisory Attorney
Olivia Stent
Eric Sternberg
Senior Staff Attorney
Nicholas Sternberg
Alix Strunk
Supervisory Attorney
Teresa Sullivan
Deputy Director/General Counsel
Jordan Sundt
Bill Sviatko
Director of Operations
Piper Taggart
Director of Client Screening Unit
Eva Torres
Senior Ombudsman Paralegal
Feliciana Torres
Senior Ombudsman Paralegal
Sadie Tournour
Senior Paralegal
Sophia Vagnone
Staff Attorney
Zulay Valencia Diaz
Law Graduate, License Pending
Grisel Valentin
Bianca Vallejo
Human Resources Generalist
Courtney Veneri
Staff Attorney
Cindy Villagran Lopez
Senior Paralegal
Alex Villalba
Staff Attorney
Mirna Villasenor
IT Service Desk Analyst
Lawrence Wagner
Supervisory Attorney
Helen Wallace
Staff Attorney
Jacob Weinstein
Grants Project Manager
Thomas White
Allison Wiederin
Sarah Wolf-Knight
Staff Attorney
Maddie Xilas
Staff Attorney
Chris Yun
Staff Attorney