On July 9, 2024, Legal Aid Chicago gave testimony at the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary’s hearing on Access to Justice, the Committee’s first hearing on the issue in over 15 years.

Veronica Gonzalez, a former client and current Board Member at Legal Aid Chicago, served as a remarkable advocate for civil legal aid, bravely testifying before top law-makers and the public about her escape from domestic violence and the life-saving representation she received from our Children & Families Practice Group. This representation was instrumental in ensuring Veronica’s safety and in securing otherwise-unattainable justice.

Accompanying Veronica was our CEO / Executive Director Kate Shank who was invited to attend the hearing and submit written testimony regarding the critical need for increased support for civil legal aid.

We are so grateful for Veronica’s courage, her help to make equal justice accessible to survivors, and the incredible opportunity to speak to the importance of legal representation on this prestigious platform!

Below is an excerpt from Veronica’s opening remarks to the Committee:

“..It is important to me to support civil legal aid and that is why I joined the board at Legal Aid Chicago. My legal case was complicated and I was in danger. Though there are thousands of women in Chicago and across the country who need legal help to end domestic violence, many cannot afford the high costs of a private attorney and have to go at it alone. I am very fortunate that I was represented by the attorneys at Legal Aid Chicago.”

Watch the full hearing here.