Legal Assistance Foundation founded

The federal Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) recognized that free civil legal services were essential to winning the war on poverty. In 1966, grants were awarded to two Chicago legal aid organizations, later merged to form the Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago and now known as Legal Aid Chicago.



Stanley v. Ill., 405 U.S. 645 (1972)

Children & Families Practice Group

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tristique, tellus a ullamcorper ornare, dolor erat viverra ligula, in tincidunt augue odio vel dolor. Proin libero diam, suscipit ac justo non, sagittis interdum nulla. Aliquam vitae diam mattis diam molestie ornare at vitae tellus. Phasellus sit amet auctor arcu. Quisque blandit consectetur erat eu gravida. Praesent volutpat turpis et nisi tristique fermentum. Sed egestas ornare dapibus. Aenean et felis iaculis, tempor purus et, commodo massa. Nunc facilisis lorem malesuada lectus varius imperdiet. Cras ut arcu convallis, aliquam augue a, euismod libero. Vestibulum sit amet scelerisque mi, sed aliquet elit. Nulla aliquet, felis ut molestie ultricies, odio magna auctor metus, hendrerit suscipit turpis orci vel urna. Vivamus nisl odio, efficitur non augue vel, porta tincidunt libero. Praesent mattis, tellus et porttitor pellentesque, nunc massa fermentum ipsum, et sollicitudin nisi odio sed leo. Vestibulum quam sem, dignissim non nulla eu, suscipit rutrum arcu.


Areizaga v. Quern 442 F. Supp. 168 (N.D. Ill. 1977)

Public Benefits

Court declared it a violation of federal law for the Illinois Department of Public Aid to limit an appellants’ access to their case files to items the IDPA selects for introduction at an adversary hearing.


South Austin Realty Assoc. v. Sombright, 47 Ill. App. 3d 89 (1st Dist. 1977)


Affirmative defenses and counterclaims alleging a violation of the warranty of habitability are germane in eviction actions.


Burgos vs DCFS No. 75 C 3974 (1977)

Immigrant and Workers’ Rights

Case information not available


Sheldon H. Roodman becomes Director of Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago


BANK OF RAVENSWOOD v. KING, 70 Ill. App. 3d 908 (1st Dist. 1979)


A defendant who challenges statements in an affidavit supporting motion for constructive service is entitled to an evidentiary hearing.



FERRELL v. PIERCE, 560 F. Supp 1344 (1983)


Enjoined HUD from implementing regulations that would have relieved it of obligations to homeowners experiencing financial distress.


COHEN BY COHEN v. Quern, 608 F. Supp. 1324 (N.D. Ill. 1984)

Public Benefits

Court ordered Illinois Medicaid to change policy to make it easier for people to qualify for Medicaid through the spend down process and get refunds for medical bills paid during a three-month retroactive eligibility period.


Immigration Reform and Control Act Passes

Immigrant and Workers’ Rights

Passed in 1987, the Immigration Reform and Control Act allowed non-citizens residing in the United States before January 1, 1982, the ability to apply for permanent residency. Legal Aid Chicago’s Immigration Project, located in Pilsen at the time, completed hundreds of applications. 2.7 million individuals eventually legalized under the program.



Henry Horner Mother’s Guild v. CHA, 1991 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 16632 (N.D. Ill. 1991) (


Lawsuit alleging that CHA had engaged in de facto demolition of units by allowing them to deteriorate to the point where they were uninhabitable resulted in consent decree that led to the creation of new housing development.


Marcus v. Sullivan, 926 F.2d 604 (7th Cir. 1991)

Public Benefits

The Court held that Social Security must consider a spouse’s residual functional capacity in determining whether he or she is disabled and eligible for disability benefits.


REED v. BURNS, 238 Ill. App. 3d 148 (1st Dist. 1992)


Chicago’s residential landlord-tenant ordinance supersedes conflicting provisions in state statute.


Rosario v. Livaditis, 963 F.2d 1013 (7th Cir. 1992)


Jury awarded almost a million dollars in damages and attorney’s fees in a class action suit filed against two fraudulent cosmetology schools.


The Immigration Project: Case Name Unknown

Immigrant and Workers’ Rights

In 1994, Congress enacted legislation providing an exception to the English and civics requirements for naturalization applicants who cannot meet the requirements because of a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment. The Immigration Project represented numerous immigrants who were otherwise eligible to naturalize but who could not meet the English and Civics requirement, to file this new waiver. The Project helped a senior with Parkinson’s disease naturalize, and the immigration officer carried out the interview at her home in Chicago.


“Democrats, GOP Unite to Try to Save Legal Aid“

Chicago Sun Times


“Redirect the Legal Services Corp.“

Chicago Tribune Opinion Piece


“Legal aid faces halt to federal funding“

Chicago Tribune


“The Human Element“

CBA Record


“Abolition of LSC would be ‘devastating,’ supporters say in appeal to senators“

Chicago Daily Law Bulletin



“Dad wins girl back after adoption“

Chicago Sun Times


LAWRENCE v. REGENT REALTY GROUP, 197 Ill. 2d 1 (2001)


Landlords who violate local ordinance’s security-deposit provisions are liable for the double-deposit penalty even if their violations are not willful.


BARRERA v. CHAC, INC., 371 Ill. App. 3d 1194 (1st Dist. 2007)


Split decision from appellate court, which affirmed public housing authority’s right to terminate voucher-holder’s assistance after she pled guilty to violent criminal activity she did not commit, spurred Cook County Public Defender to train its lawyers on the civil collateral consequences of criminal convictions.


Diana White becomes Executive Director of Legal Aid Chicago

After 30 years of service, Sheldon H. Roodman steps down from Director of Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago. Diana White is named the new Executive Director. 



Jacqueline Hill v. Capital Foreclosure Solutions, 08 CH 12735 (Cook County Cir. Ct.) (judgment entered Oct. 14, 2010)

Consumer Benefits

This case was the first to apply and enforce the 2006 Illinois Mortgage Rescue Fraud Act, a statute which outlawed fraudulent foreclosure rescue deals.


DRAPER & KRAMER v. KING, 2014 IL App (1st) 132073


Appellate court reversed trial court’s refusal to vacate the agreed order that unrepresented tenant signed without understanding. Appellate decision motivated legislature to create new plain language Eviction Orders and require their use throughout Illinois.


Cabrini Green Local Advisory Council v. Chicago Housing Authority, 2014 WL 576113


After challenging CHA’s refusal to rehabilitate and maintain as public housing the Francis Cabrini Rowhouses, negotiated settlement that required the construction of 1,800 units of subsidized housing on Chicago’s Near North Side.


SHADID v. SIMS, 2015 IL APP (1st) 141973


Tenants who prevail on a counterclaim under the CRLTO may recover reasonable attorney fees for prosecuting that counterclaim.


Sanchez v. Torres, 2016 IL App (1st) 151189

Children & Families

The Illinois Domestic Violence Act requires the issuance of an order of protection when the court finds the Respondent abused the Petitioner. This case successfully challenged the practice in Cook County of judges finding abuse but issuing a restraining order in lieu of an order of protection.


PICKETT v. HOUSING AUTH. OF COOK COUNTY, No. 15-CV-00749, 2017 WL 4281054 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 27, 2017)


Reversing housing authority’s administrative decision to terminate, without pre-deprivation hearing, rental assistance to voucher-holder who, despite all best efforts, failed to secure new housing before moving papers expired.


John Gallo becomes CEO and Executive Director of Legal Aid Chicago


AIMCO v. LEE, 2019 IL App (1st) 180693-U


Reversed trial court order granting landlord’s motion for summary judgment, but only after we successfully challenged the appellate court’s decision to make our client post a bond she could not afford.


Reverse Mortg. Solutions, Inc. v. United States, 365 F. Supp. 3d 931 (N.D. Ill. 2019)


In four consolidated cases we obtained a district court decision requiring HUD to reform and strengthen its nationwide program protecting surviving spouses from foreclosure.



Nieves v. IDHS, 2020 CH 01664, December 30, 2020

Public Benefits

The Court enforced statutory duty of Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) to evaluate eligibility for all benefits unless the applicant declines a specific benefit in writing.


J.L. PROPS. GRP. B v. PRITZKER, 2021 IL APP (1st) 200305


Successfully defended Governor’s right to extend moratoria on residential evictions during the COVID-19 pandemic.


NORTH ORCHARD PLACE v. HILL, 2022 IL App (1st) 210649-U


Affirmed that landlord waived right to pursue eviction action by knowingly accepting rent after learning about alleged violation, even if landlord did not intend to waive this right.


U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A. v. BURNETT, 2021 IL APP (1st) 210135


Reversed trial court’s decision to impose sanctions for filing what the appellate court deemed a meritorious motion to vacate a purported agreed order.


Bain v. Airoom LLC, 2022 IL App (1st) 211001


The Illinois Appellate Court invalidated an arbitration agreement in a contractor’s construction contract, characterizing its language as overly broad and substantively unconscionable.